Time and Faith

It is often difficult for Christians to reconcile what is taught when they enter college level science class with what they've previously been taught about science. Believing a literal interpretation of scripture can lead to incorrect answers on tests and quizzes and cause questions for students about their faith. If the earth was created as is outlined in Genesis, with God creating the earth in six days, then how could an old earth be possible?

Over the years, I have grappled with this question, first as a student and then as a philosopher/scientist. The question has many implications for Christians that believe a literal interpretation of the Bible is a tenet of their faith. As a believer in prayer, I asked God to lead me to answers. Soon after, I came across the work of astronomer Steven Hawking and his book a brief history of time. I learned that what we think of as time is thought of as a dimension by astronomers. Watch the video below for a quick tutorial on the theory of relativity:

So you see, if time changes based on relative speed and distance, then time varies between two different observers. So time could be different for a human observer on earth and a heavenly being across the galaxy. Literally, what happens in six godly days could happen in some unknown number of earthly days. With this new understanding of time, I was able to move forward in my understanding of the complexities of science. 

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